Seville and Montrose Recreation Reserves
Client | Yarra Ranges Shire
Year | 2018 - 2019
Yarra Ranges Shire Council engaged our practice and subconsultant team to prepare recreation and open space masterplans for the Seville and Montrose Recreation Reserves.
The key issues at Montrose Recreation Reserve are the playing conditions of the training oval, the need for female change rooms for football and netball players and the opportunities to improve the bushland area to the southwest section of the reserve. The existing playspace references the local history of development in Montrose and is a feature of the reserve.
The key issues for Seville Recreation Reserve are the sub-standard oval and the dated two-storey pavilion that does not cater for the increasing demand on change rooms, including change rooms for female sport participants. A feature of the reserve is the spray play which is based within the former swimming pool’s shell. The spray play has become a destination activity for families to visit and enjoy even from beyond the municipality.
In August 2019, we completed the Study Report which included the consultation and engagement results, the assessment of merit of ideas raised and the final strategies with cost plans.