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Seaford North Playspace

Client | Frankston City Council

Year   | 2018

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As part of Frankston City Council’s panel of Design Consultants we were engaged to prepare Concept to Documentation Plans for the replacement playspace at the Seaford North Reserve. The reserve is an important regional park and is home to the Seaford United Soccer Club. The reserve provides for some commuter parking close to the Seaford Railway Station.

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Our work involved site assessment, working with Council Officers to enhance the integration of an adjoining skate strip to the new play space and the installation of a new shelter with a barbecue and seating. We prepared concept plans, design development drawings and opinions of probable cost for a diverse range of facilities and play apparatus. Final documentation included a works specification. Key apparatus were a flying fox, a synthetic turf seating, swings, forts, mini trampoline, a basket swing and some sensory play elements.

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