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Pebble Beach to Damms Road Walking and Cycling Trail, Mount Beauty

Client | Alpine Shire

Year   | 2017

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With representatives of the Upper Kiewa Valley Community Association and Council’s Project Manager we walked the 1.2 kilometre trail to peg out the preferred route. The walk follows the east side of the picturesque Kiewa River. The trail extended the existing walking track of two kilometres to link the outskirts of the township of Mount Beauty. Magnificent views of Victoria’s second highest peak, Mount Bogong are a feature along the trail.


A local firm of surveyors surveyed the route to prepare the base plan of existing conditions. We prepared design documentation of the trail, including engineering culvert sections to several minor floodways and depressions. The preliminary layout plan of the trail was issued for consultation with adjacent land owners and the UKVCA. Preparation of the trail detailed design followed.

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Existing Conditions

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