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Anderson Park Masterplan

Client | Manningham City Council 

Year   | 2021

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Anderson Park is a key resource for both active and passive recreation within a section of East Doncaster that is undergoing significant change in demographics with recent higher density residential living. The reserve is home to the East Doncaster Rovers Soccer Club. Their pavilion that was refurbished in 2018 and has spectator seating under cover for approximately 300 people. The soccer fields are natural turd and one of our key recommendations was to convert one soccer field to synthetic turf to cater for greater training and competition intensity.

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Adrian Fernon of ASR Research undertook a major role in the review of tends in particular in the provision of soccer, the needs and gaps, and discussion with the soccer club. Our team undertook several workshop meetings with the soccer club. COVID restrictions in June allowed face-to-face meetings, however COVID restrictions in the latter part of 2021 prevented in-person meeting. We conducted online meetings with Council’s Project Team.

The reserve caters for a growing residential community due to the increased density living to the immediate surrounds. Dog walking and casual exercise was voted by locals as really important, so circuit paths, a neighbourhood playspace and enhancement of two areas of indigenous bushland were key directions of the masterplan.

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