Gordon Gardens, Dunolly
Client | Central Goldfields Shire
Year | 2019
The research by our subconsultant Conservation Architect, Jeremy de Vos, indicated the Gordon Gardens located in central Dunolly, commenced as a relatively formal 19th Century gardens. Over time, demands of modern-day leisure pursuits saw the gardens gradually transform to include several sports courts, picnic facilities, a bowls club, a swimming pool, a CFA depot, a senior citizen’s club and informal car parking.
Central Goldfields Shire Council undertook considerable consultation and engagement with the community in 2018 prior to our first involvement with further community consultation and engagement in April 2019. During the consultation process, it was very evident that locals really value the gardens as a place to relax and socialise.
Our role was to review the current and projected future activities and rationalise the use and function to better present the gardens as a place where locals and visitors can relax and enjoy.
Our masterplan strategies focused on relocating the existing informal car parking in the centre of the gardens to the north-west corner of the gardens and provision of a destination playspace and skatepark through the removal of three tennis courts. A fourth tennis court was to be converted to a multi-purpose court to include netball and basketball. A second court was to be retained as a tennis court.
A key concept was the introduction of a major tree-lined avenue, an irrigated grassed corridor linking Barkly Street to the Queen Victoria Fountain. This corridor replaced a poorly presented expanse of gravel that was used for car parking. The treed avenue and low terracing will have ample seating and gathering space.