Cowes Civic Precinct
Client | Bass Coast Shire
Year | 2011
Bass Coast Shire Council engaged our practice to prepare a concept plan for the forecourt of Bass Coast Shire Council’s Customer Service and Information Centre. Three years later, council engaged our practice to review the previous design and to prepare an opinion of probable cost prior to preparing contract documentation.
We met with Council’s Cultural Development and Arts Officer and Senior Project Management personnel to prepare the revised concept and documentation with a focus on creating an events and festival space which included an outdoor screen. As lead consultant, we engaged a lighting designer and a civil engineering firm to assist in the design and documentation process.
We prepared paving, drainage and lighting plans, specification and a bill of quantities. The square is available for community gatherings and community members can hire the space for small events. There is a balance of paved surfaces, some permeable to collect stormwater and a grassed area for picnics.